InsightShare (UK) is an undisputed pioneer in the field of participatory video. From their homebase in Oxford, staff members travel around the world with video equipment to enable community groups to produce images with which to reflect on their own lives. In an ambitious project called Conversations with the earth InsightShare worked with indigenous people on a series of grass roots films about climate change that were also screened at renowned heritage institutions like the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.
Over the years, InsightShare has developed a very transparent, transferable methodology to which the quality of process and self-reliance are central. At ICAF 2014, some of the most experienced InsightShare staff members, along with several indigenous trainers, offered insight into the scope of their work and a hands-on opportunity to experience their methodology.

Athens Comics Library/Comicdon press
Europe, Greece, Athens

Los angeles poverty department
North America, United States, Los Angeles

Beijing Theatre
Asia, China, Beijing

Amparo González Sola
South America, Argentina, Buenos Aires

Héctor Aristizábal
South America, Colombia

CTO-Maputo Centro de Teatro do Oprimido
Africa, Mozambique