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Zinneke Parade 2024

On Saturday June 1, 2024 in the streets of Brussels. The Zinneke Parade is a large folkloric, surreal and typically Brussels procession that passes through the streets and avenues of Brussels every 2 years. The Zinneke Parade aims to bring together residents, associations and schools from the different neighborhoods of Brussels around a common project.…


Matemurga was founded in August 2002. Its founder and director, Edith Scher, is an Argentinian writer, musician, academic and actress. The works of Matemurga centre community singing and music, with the use of orchestras and puppets. For Matemurga, community theatre is theatre created specifically by neighbours and performed for neighbours. Through her approach and methodology,…

Toon Maas

Toon Maas is a performer and theatre maker, who – together with his wife Dini – has been touring all over the world for over thirty years. Best known for his street theatre and puppetry work, it is a little less known that Toon also devises performances at a community level, including people with disabilities.…

Carroça de Mamulengos

Until a couple of years ago, Carroça never stopped travelling around Brazil, always establishing profound relations with local communities wherever they happened to land. The company is very much a family enterprise and today encompasses three generations and many different performance disciplines. These include puppetry, music, clowning, storytelling, and a variety of arts and crafts.…

Bread & Puppet

In October 1963, Schumann and his friends Bruno Eckardt and Bob Ernstthal founded the Bread & Puppet Theatre at 148, Delancey Street on the Lower East Side of New York. Working in their house on Delancey Street this young arts collective worked with local children to make thousands of masks and puppets. They came in…

Theatre Grodzki

The Bielsko Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre was founded in 1999 in the town of Bielsko-Biala (the southern part of Poland). The Association groups artists, pedagogues, culture promoters and entrepreneurs engaged in supporting children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly from socially excluded groups. The latter include physically and mentally disabled persons, children, and youths from families…