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ICAF 2026

YOU ARE INVITED TO ICAF 2026 TAKING PLACE FROM WEDNESDAY 25-SUNDAY 29 mARCH, 2026 The International Community Arts Festival will be back and take place again in Rotterdam, in March 2026. Mark your calendars and start arranging your travel for Wednesday 25-Sunday 29 March, 2026! For this Edition of the Festival (our 10th Edition!) we…


Want to form part of the FAACCC 2024 programme in Barcelona?   For 2024 FAACC will continue to explore irreverence and a sense of humor as engines for questioning and transformation. They are looking for companies or artists who want to be part of the programming.   1 project will be selected to form an…

International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam

Nature of hope The 11th edition of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) with the title Nature of Hope will take place from 29 June to 13 October 2024 and will include an exhibition at the Nieuwe Instituut, a public program and Botanical Monuments, green places in Rotterdam. Every two years, the IABR presents an…

Zinneke Parade 2024

On Saturday June 1, 2024 in the streets of Brussels. The Zinneke Parade is a large folkloric, surreal and typically Brussels procession that passes through the streets and avenues of Brussels every 2 years. The Zinneke Parade aims to bring together residents, associations and schools from the different neighborhoods of Brussels around a common project.…

Zinneke Parade

The Zinneke Parade was created as part of Brussels 2000, European Capital of Culture. The participants are residents and artists who want to highlight the cosmopolitan and pluralistic cultural richness of Brussels. The first parade was overflowing with joy and fun, and is a wonderful memory for many people. The idea was to bring out…

Charnwood Arts

Charnwood Arts has been around since 1976, and with different focus due to the landscape they, and we, now find ourselves in, Charnwood Arts wants to embrace community, and provide access to relevant and meaningful art and provide opportunities to enable people of all ages with an interest, a range of skills and abilities, experience…

Carroça de Mamulengos

Until a couple of years ago, Carroça never stopped travelling around Brazil, always establishing profound relations with local communities wherever they happened to land. The company is very much a family enterprise and today encompasses three generations and many different performance disciplines. These include puppetry, music, clowning, storytelling, and a variety of arts and crafts.…

Sharing Arts Society

Sharing Arts Society (SAS) is a new, internationally and interculturally oriented initiative focused on ‘sharing’ art projects in which an artist works with the collective creativity of a group. SAS was founded in 2014 to carry on the work, the knowledge and the international network of Stichting Vrede van Utrecht (2005 – 2013). Partners are…

Bread & Puppet

In October 1963, Schumann and his friends Bruno Eckardt and Bob Ernstthal founded the Bread & Puppet Theatre at 148, Delancey Street on the Lower East Side of New York. Working in their house on Delancey Street this young arts collective worked with local children to make thousands of masks and puppets. They came in…