After her graduation in 1994 from the Theaterschool in Kampen (NL), Sharon Varekamp focused on working with children and youth. She did this, amongst other places, at Jeugdtheaterhuis Zuid-Holland, het RO, and the Toneelmakerij. Besides a belief in the imagination, working with different sources of inspiration (visual arts, music) and spending time philosophising, she is also interested in the personal stories of the young actors she works with. This has resulted in a number of montage-performances that consist of personal as well as existing material.
Since 2009 Sharon has been connected to the community art theatre company Stut Theater in Utrecht. There she made Over Vechters, a series of four portraits in the Utrecht neighborhod Overvecht. She was also responsible for directing the 35-year anniversary of Stut and directed a play on loneliness – Alleen, Pleidooi voor de tijdelijke eenzaamheid with 3 women from Amsterdam Zuidoost. At this moment she is one of the directors of De Tour van Frans, a theatre tour with a bus and performances in 4 neighbourhoods in Utrecht.
Next to Stut Theatre, Sharon freelances as a theatre teacher, artist and advisor.

Athens Comics Library/Comicdon press
Europe, Greece, Athens

Amparo González Sola
South America, Argentina, Buenos Aires

Héctor Aristizábal
South America, Colombia

CTO-Maputo Centro de Teatro do Oprimido
Africa, Mozambique

Los angeles poverty department
North America, United States, Los Angeles

Beijing Theatre
Asia, China, Beijing