Sharing Arts Society (SAS) is a new, internationally and interculturally oriented initiative focused on ‘sharing’ art projects in which an artist works with the collective creativity of a group. SAS was founded in 2014 to carry on the work, the knowledge and the international network of Stichting Vrede van Utrecht (2005 – 2013). Partners are Universiteit Utrecht and the International Community Arts Festival. SAS experiments with and reflects on the art of sharing, collecting stories and the renewal of traditions through moveable spectacles in public space, workshops, performances and through research & debate. The activities of SAS focus on: developing (through sustainable processes), producing (creation), presenting (sharing with an audience) and reflecting (in collaboration with Universiteit Utrecht) on innovative, participatory, high-quality arts projects.

CTO-Maputo Centro de Teatro do Oprimido
Africa, Mozambique

Héctor Aristizábal
South America, Colombia

Los angeles poverty department
North America, United States, Los Angeles

Beijing Theatre
Asia, China, Beijing

Amparo González Sola
South America, Argentina, Buenos Aires

Athens Comics Library/Comicdon press
Europe, Greece, Athens