Dr. Misha Myers is a Senior Lecturer in Art & Performance, Course Director of Creative Arts and Research Fellow in Deakin Motion Lab at Deakin University. Through her research she seeks to bring attention to and understanding of knowledges, contributions and experiences of isolated and marginalized groups including refugees and asylum seekers, women and rural communities, through new arts-based methods perfected and tailored to each new need of community, NGO, and industry partners. She has done this in a global context through creating place-based performances and artworks that are staged and move between physical and digital environments and enable diverse perspectives, knowledges and experiences of place and how it matters politically, socially, economically and environmentally. She works across an inter-disciplinary field of applied and digital performance, socially engaged practice, digital humanities and cultural studies of migration, belonging and place.
Oceania, Australia, Melbourne
Misha Myers
Academic Researcher Visual Arts
Oceania, Australia, Melbourne