Good mental health is recognised as an integral part of a person’s wellbeing and development embedded in all aspects of life, their beliefs, faith, culture, environment, spirituality, work, housing, education, family and community respect.
The work of MeHelp aims to spread public awareness on mental health literacy in urban and rural India. Their work focuses on lived expertise stories of people with mental health problems and their families to promote public understanding about living with mental illness, help seeking and support for promoting mental health and wellbeing. An emphasis is placed on formulating knowledge in new, creative and accessible ways, through the use of creative methodologies and media engagement as an intervention to enable knowledge to be used in genuinely empowering and emancipatory ways by the public and services in urban and rural India.
Their mission is to:
- Promote mental health literacy in urban and rural India using creative methodologies
- Undertake research and provide research and consultancy services
- Collaborate with schools, colleges, universities, NGOs, and Governmental agencies to develop the ‘voice’ and agency of urban and rural communities to examine Mental health Literacy for positive coping and wellbeing.
- Develop narrative data sets on lived experiences and expertise of mental, neurological and substance abuse (MNS) disorders
- Co-produce mental health recovery narratives of urban and rural communities for promoting mental health literacy
- Engage with the general public and stakeholders using creative methodologies for developing public mental health awareness
- Co-produce policy and practice guidance for policy makers and professionals for promoting MHL, mental health and well-being
- Develop national and international partnerships for mental health literacy
- Interventions and knowledge exchange
- Work with national and international partners for promoting UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).
- Develop interdisciplinary educational and research partnerships for promoting mental health literacy for wellbeing and sustainable development

Athens Comics Library/Comicdon press
Europe, Greece, Athens

CTO-Maputo Centro de Teatro do Oprimido
Africa, Mozambique

Los angeles poverty department
North America, United States, Los Angeles

South America, Argentina, Buenos Aires

Beijing Theatre
Asia, China, Beijing

Héctor Aristizábal
South America, Colombia