Jeanskamel is offering a platform for guided interaction and exchange. This spirit spread is to act beautifully and creatively, to make purpose and joy more visible in our life.
At Jeanskamel, hands-on every-day-recycling and re-using build a major part of the offered workshops. All donated used jeans and other fabric are recycled and turned into new accessories. Before the pandemic, Jeanskamel had a regular open source kitchen using donated saved food and bread from yesterday. Also, weekly salon concerts took place. Every activity tried to involve migrants to enhance their practical language skills and activated the neighborhood to work against social isolation.
Since the beginning of 2022, a growing group is gathering to bring forward Mammocracy, a way to beautifully establish soft power in our lives. We are sewing textile vulvas of any kinds to place them in public space, wherever we see the need for more softness and less phallocracy. Also, a fun park called Lümmelprater is highlighting the Jeanskamel-like approach to transform. A big breast made from Jeans hanging is on the wall to give comfort and a small bowling lane in phallic shape with phallic cones offers the chance to smash patriarchy playfully. Since 2020, I purchased an old, neglected clay building with a big, wild garden , 60 km from Vienna, in the so called Weinviertel. It is meant for open use and shall become a bee-hive of cultural and societal activity on the countryside. Those who get involved, will get a part of the harvest or can use it for work space or can camp and live there. It is liked to the open community of Jeanskamel and is called Landkamel.

South America, Argentina, Buenos Aires

Athens Comics Library/Comicdon press
Europe, Greece, Athens

Los angeles poverty department
North America, United States, Los Angeles

Amparo González Sola
South America, Argentina, Buenos Aires

Beijing Theatre
Asia, China, Beijing

CTO-Maputo Centro de Teatro do Oprimido
Africa, Mozambique