Born in Medellín, Colombia, Héctor Aristizábal is a therapist, actor, director, and activist with over 40 years of experience. In 1989, he was forced to emigrate to the United States due to violence in his home country. There, he worked as a bilingual therapist with vulnerable groups, including people affected by HIV/AIDS, gang members, prisoners, and refugees. In 2000, he founded ImaginAction, an organization with which he has collaborated in over 50 countries to transform conflict and heal collective trauma through theater.
In 2017, Héctor returned to Colombia and co-founded DreamingAction and Re-Conectando to promote cultural transformation and healing within the framework of the peace accord. His work has been recognized with several awards, including the Otto René Castillo Award, and is detailed in his autobiography, co-written with Diane Lefer, The Blessing Next to the Wound .

Los angeles poverty department
North America, United States, Los Angeles

Amparo González Sola
South America, Argentina, Buenos Aires

CTO-Maputo Centro de Teatro do Oprimido
Africa, Mozambique

Athens Comics Library/Comicdon press
Europe, Greece, Athens

South America, Argentina, Buenos Aires

Beijing Theatre
Asia, China, Beijing