Drama Box is a non-profit theatre company from Singapore. Formed in 1990, Drama Box has become well-known for creating and producing socially engaged works that offer opportunities for dialogue and provoke audiences to think differently about the issues presented.
Singapore, where they are based, is a densely populated, land-scarce City State known for its rapidly expanding urban development. In the constant cycle of the tearing down and rebuilding of spaces, social bonds, resting places for the dead, and even nature have often had to make way in the name of progress. Recurrent questions in the work of Drama Box are: What are the forces that shape our space? Is there room for a shared heterotopia?
Guided by the belief that engaging the community in important issues is pivotal to creating a vibrant and progressive society, and that every member of society should have the means to participate, Drama Box has chosen to keep most of its community performances free of admission charges.
Drama Box’s presence at ICAF has previously been made possible with the support of National Arts Council, Singapore and Singapore International Foundation.
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