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Speels Collectief

Speels Collectief is a diverse, mixed-abled theater company. We strive for a composition of performers, makers and employees with as much variation as possible in terms of age, gender and ethnicity, and our company consists of people with and without (physical/mental/social) disabilities. People who face social exclusion in any form can be part of our…

Isabel Jones

Isabela Jones is an Artistic Director / sound weaver / audio describer/ singer vocalist, socially engaged audience as makers, body voice interaction site specific-artist. She has been Salamanda Tandem co-founder & Director from 1989 – 2025 (current) Maker type:Artist, Educator, Facilitator, Organisation Maker discipline:Dance, Music, Site-specific Performance, Workshop

Blue Drum

Our Desire:To be a community arts organisation seeking new practices to create a sense of belonging through reimagining local community culture. Our Vision:how to transform local civil society through the energy of art and culture. Our Mission:to practice community art and refresh living heritage by celebrating local identity, adding unique and new histories together, and…

Council of Europe

The Council of Europe is the continent’s leading human rights organisation. Since its foundation in 1949, the organisation has created a common legal space, centred on the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), across its 46 member states. This represents a death penalty-free zone for more than 700 million people. ­ The Council of Europe:


The Diaconal Center Pauluskerk supports all people in Rotterdam and surroundings that cannot survive without help: Homeless people, addicts, psychiatric patients, people without residence permit, people without employment, young adults that have no guidance for the way of life and vulnerable elderly people. The base of the Pauluskerk is the importance and the ‘perspective of…

CTO-Maputo Centro de Teatro do Oprimido

CTO-MAPUTO (OPPRESSED THEATER CENTER) CTO-Maputo – Centro de Teatro do Oprimido, is a non-profit Cultural Association which aims to disseminate alternative communication techniques, social mobilization and community engagement in Mozambique. Making CTO an effective instrument for community training and education based on the public presentation and debate of ideas. The Association promotes the cultures of…


Matemurga was founded in August 2002. Its founder and director, Edith Scher, is an Argentinian writer, musician, academic and actress. The works of Matemurga centre community singing and music, with the use of orchestras and puppets. For Matemurga, community theatre is theatre created specifically by neighbours and performed for neighbours. Through her approach and methodology,…

Zemuju Sanciu Bendruomene

Zemuju Sanciu Bendruomene are a community association working to develop a sustainable urban vision of the nearby neighbourhood that protects the unique cultural heritage and identity of the neighbourhood against extractive capitalism Their goals are to: Create self-government in the district; Give voice to the community; To take care of the environment of the district;…

PS Theatre

PS Theatre is the city Company of Leiden and makes theatre, music and audio. With our projects and in productions they move people closer to each other and offer a new perspective towards being with each other and in the city. Because PS Theatre believe that a city where you know each other’s story is…

Health Action Training

Health Action Training (HAT) are a unique and innovative company who use techniques that draw from actor training and applied drama to teach improved person-centred communication for health professionals, offering a fresh and up-to-date approach to communication training. This methodology includes a blend of improvisation games, applied puppetry, actor training, role play, practice of communication…