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Dance for the Neighbourhood

The Vein presents… Dance through the Neighbourhood Learn more about the art and power of dancing together. A presentation with everything about De Ader, the growing community in Breda South West, the collaborations and the challenges if you don’t understand each other. But we also show how we explore the neighborhood. About the transformation from…

Compagnie 21 / Theater Workshop Tiuri

Tiuri is a place where people with disabilities are trained to become performers, and where their unprecedented talent comes to the surface. Jordy Dik is a community artist and resident choreographer of Compagnie 21, Tiuri’s professional dance and theatre company. Four years ago, he co-created a choreographic method with these unique performers called Relational Choreography.…

Corpo Máquina

Driven by the belief that theatre is a public space and art is a public service, Corpo Máquina has been working since 2017 under the artistic direction of founder and Brazilian born choreographer Guilherme Miotto. The common thread and essence of all their activities is “Instinctive Performance”, as developed by Miotto. Though based in Tilburg,…


Dansnest (‘Dance Nest’) creates dance performances in public space. They always aim to incorporate all animate and inanimate things in that space in the creative process. This transforms every Dansnest choreography into a dynamic search for interaction between dancers, environment and passers-by.   Dansnest never comes to a space with pre-set patterns and moves; it rather…