From the 13th to the 18th of December of this year the Theatre of the Oppressed Festival takes place in Rotterdam, and ICAF is proud to be associated with it. The festival is organised by Formaat, a long time partner of ICAF. Formaat is Holland’s only professional TO organization and specializes in various forms of participatory drama for the empowerment of vulnerable groups. Formaat is also a driving force behind a worldwide network of TO groups. At the festival, Formaat wants to learn, teach and share the many tools that have been developed within this inspiring method that was originally created by Augusto Boal from Brazil. For that purpose, Formaat has managed to bring some of the world’s most inspiring TO groups to Rotterdam for performances, workshops and discussions. These include Combatants for Peace from Israel/Palestine, Jana Sanskriti from India and CTO Maputo from Mozambique. ICAF will be hosting one of the five festival days by inviting Jana Sanskriti from India and CTO Maputo from Mozambique to our home base Islemunda on Tuesday 15 December. You can find the preliminary festival program here. For more information, please surf to
09 November 2015
Theatre of the Oppressed Festival