This November, BasketBeat returns to Rotterdam! As part of our last festival, Josep-Maria Aragay from Barcelona conducted a fascinating workshop of a method which he developed in his hometown to familiarize at-risk youth with the arts of music and dance. After ICAF we vouched to bring Josep back to Rotterdam, because we believe his link between sports and community arts is worth exploring further. We are happy to announce that he will be in residence in the Feyenoord neighborhood of Rotterdam between 9 and 20 November. In that part of our city he will be working with an organization called De Nieuwe Kans [‘a new chance’], an organization that provides coaching services for youngsters who want to actively work on improving their lives. At the moment, we are also exploring possibilities to introduce the Basketbeat methodology to Yets Foundation in Schiedam and Vlaardingen. Yets works with ex-professional basketball players to inspire young people to take more firmly control of their lives. Are you interested and do you want to know more about BasketBeat in the Netherlands? Send us an e-mail at!
27 October 2015
BasketBeat returns to Rotterdam!