BighART. The story of the Jamieson family’s journey from the shelter of an isolated life, out to the strange new non-indigenous world of opportunity and oppression.
By combining performance with documentary footage Trevor Jamieson, intimately, simply, physically and musically takes us through a distilled journey of his extended family’s first contact with white people, missionaries, nuclear tests in the Australian desert and finally his own walk between two cultures today.
The Ngapartji Ngapartji Project began as a large touring festival work with a cast and crew of more than thirty. The project was instigated to help bring about indigenous policy change in Australia using performance, web, documentary, media and lobbying. In Ngapartji Ngapartji – One, the one-man version of the larger show, Trevor hones down his families story into a deeply intimate and emotional sharing in the simplest way… just him on stage with his words, his body and documentary footage of his families almost unbelievable encounters with the non-indigenous world.
This is pure, unadorned craft from one of Australia’s foremost creative teams – Performer Trevor Jamieson & Writer/Director Scott Rankin.