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Relations (Live)An Instant Relational Choreography

Relations (Live)An Instant Relational Choreography

Compagnie 21 / Theater Workshop Tiuri

Step in and become part of an instant choreography… in the making. Relations (live) is a performative gathering of all those present. All bodies, in one shared space. From the moment you enter, we will begin to create something completely new together with people you don’t know, and might otherwise never meet; a so-called Relational Choreography. 

Led by choreographer Jordy Dik and accompanied by dancers from Theaterwerkplaats Tiuri / Compagnie 21 (NL), professional musicians and music and dance students from Codarts University of the Arts (NL), we will all become part of a magical encounter that connects us in a unique and poetic way, through movement, sound and beauty.

In preparation for this instant choreography, the group, consisting of performers of Tiuri and Codarts, have worked intensely together for three days as part of a learning exchange. Tiuri is a place where people with disabilities are trained to become performers, and where their hidden talent comes to the surface. Jordy Dik is a community artist and the resident choreographer of Compagnie 21, Tiuri’s professional dance and theatre company. Four years ago, Jordy co-created a choreographic method called Relational Choreography. The goal was to be able to quickly and collectively make dance art with ‘anyone’ and ‘everyone’ present. In the now-moment, impulse-following movements emerge, which soon fills the performative space with meaningful relationships and stories. This method continued to build on the legacy of inclusive dance landscapes, helping to open space for autonomy, creativity and playfulness within its poetic structures. Theaterwerkplaats Tiuri believes that everyone has talent, and that those talents must be made visible, in particular for people with disabilities.  The Tiuri performers, Codarts students, live musicians and, soon, you, can experience this relational process.