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Isabel Jones

Isabela Jones is an Artistic Director / sound weaver / audio describer/ singer vocalist, socially engaged audience as makers, body voice interaction site specific-artist. She has been Salamanda Tandem co-founder & Director from 1989 – 2025 (current) Maker type:Artist, Educator, Facilitator, Organisation Maker discipline:Dance, Music, Site-specific Performance, Workshop

Bonface Beti

Bonface Beti is African artist and multidisciplinary practitioner working with embodied theatre-based processes on trauma and social change. Since 2004 he’s worked with Amani Peoples’ Theatre and now with the Green String Network. He holds an MA degree in peacebuilding from the University of Manitoba, Canada, Graduate Certificate in Use of Arts in Peacebuilding at…


Excavate have been working with communities across the East Midlands and beyond to create largely performance based work that explores questions of place, culture and heritage. Throughout that time they have worked with thousands of people in many different locations to create often very ambitious work with large casts of local people. Over the last…

Adrian Jackson MBE

Adrian Jackson, MBE is an English theatre director, playwright, teacher and trainer. He was the founding director and executive director of the theatrical company Cardboard Citizens, founded in 1991, in which the majority of the members were homeless, refugees or asylum seekers, participating in the cycle of Nosaltres organised by the Teatre Lliure.   In addition…

Nantea Dance Company

Nantea Dance Company is a Tanzanian based non-profit contemporary dance company composed of Tanzanian freelance dance artists, founded in 2015 by Alawi Saidi Alawi and Samwel Japhet. The company provides multifaceted performances and community-based projects through dance; promoting and developing contemporary dance scene in Tanzania and inspiring youths in the society to became the ambassadors…