On 12 and 13 March 2015 the Gayarre Theatre in Pamplona, Spain will host its seventh annual symposium on art and social inclusion. This year’s theme will be ‘the artist as agent of social change’. Our ICAF partner Eva García is producing this two-day encounter. Speakers include Volker Lösch (Staatstheater Stuttgart) and two people we know very well: Alida Neslo and Nilo Berrocal. Alida now works in Surinam after having directed Dasarts and De Nieuw Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Nilo is Peruvian musician and actor who has been working and living for many years in Holland. For more information (in Spanish) surf to: http://www.mecd.gob.es/cultura-mecd/areas-cultura/artesescenicas/artes-escenicas-e-inclusion-social/jornadas-sobre-la-inclusion-social.html