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Malayerba 25 anos de teatro


Malayerba 25 anos de teatro

‘Malayerba: 25 años de teatro’ is a documentary prepared by the Ecuadorian theater ensemble as an overview of the first 25 years of their artistic trajectory. Weaving interviews with founding members and artistic directors María del Rosario ‘Charo’ Francés and Arístides Vargas, illustrated through video and photo documentation, the documentary portrays the history and creative coordinates of the Grupo Malayerba, the presence of exile as life experience and creative motif, their constant investigation of theater theory and practices, their development of a distinctive dramaturgy of the actor, the playwright and the director, as well as the collaborative processes of artistic creation with local and international artists. Renowned plays by the groups, ‘La Fanesca, ‘ ‘Jardín de Pulpos, ‘ ‘Pluma y la tempestad, ‘ ‘Nuestra Señora de las Nubes, ‘ ‘El deseo más canalla, ‘ ‘La muchacha de los libros usados, ‘ and ‘Donde el viento hace buñuelos’ are featured in this video, commented on by Francés and Vargas and contextualized in the bigger picture of the outstanding theater work by Ecuador’s most important theater group.