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Fête de la Musique dans les Marolles


Ever seen +100 musicians perform together with the audience? During Fête de la Musique dans les Marolles, MetX organised a fiesta de fanfares featuring 4 brass bands from Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels.

At the outdoor Sk8tepark Les Ursulines, Urbanda (Charleroi), De Ledebirds (Ghent), Babelouze (Etterbeek) and Bakanaï (Brussels) melted their copper, tin and other precious metals together into one very big band.

Spurred on by Michel Massot and Laurent Blondiau from the Mâäk Quintet, they played compositions from the Babelouze and Bakanaï repertoire. What a great way to celebrate the end of the longest hibernation ever!

Featuring: Urbanda – led by Emmanuel Lurquin De Ledebirds – led by Mattias Laga Babelouze – led by Michel Massot Bakanaï – led by Laurent Blondiau

Video: Stefano Lapasini for Lapavision

A production by MetX Moving Music, CC Bruegel & Les Mercredis Artistiques

With the support of Vlaanderen – State of the Arts, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, La Ville de Bruxelles – Stad Brussel & VGC