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ICAF Community Art Power

Essays from ICAF 2011


ICAF Community Art Power

ESSAYS AND REPORTS FOLLOWING THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY ARTS FESTIVAL 2011, ROTTERDAM In 2011, the International Community Arts Festival (ICAF) in Rotterdam had the theme “Power of Community Arts”. After an inspiring festival, several community arts makers and theorists who were present at the festival, led by festival director Eugene van Erven, wrote essays and reports about the power of community arts. These reports are collected in this beautiful book. The book contains unique stories from, among others, Matt Jennings about the dilemmas in Northern Ireland’s community arts, Kerrie Schaefer about Big hART, Michael Romanyshyn about Intercultural community music, Edith Scher about the history of community theater in Argentina and François Matarasso about the changes between community doctor in the eighties and now. There is also an extensive article about the ICAF seminar by Jan Cohen-Cruz, and a fascinating essay by the indigenous group Debajehmujig from Canada about their special position in the art world.