Exciting news! We’re happy to announce that from 22 to 27 July 2018 ICAF organises its second Summer School! This time we take the event to Barcelona and team up with the local organisation ComuArt. The Summer School occurs under the umbrella of Grec 2018 Festival de Barcelona and is part of Obrador d’estiu of sala Béckett. Eva from ComuArt has been living and working in Barcelona for more then fifteen years and has recently been commissioned by the City of Barcelona to give a qualitative impulse to the community arts scene in the city in the coming two years. Eva has been involved with ICAF since 2014, when we screened Fronteras, the film her previous company (TransFormas) made collectively, together with inmates. Since then Eva has been an important partner for us. She connected us to several inspiring companies in Spain and France; she participated in our first Summer School in 2016 and helped us translate our programme booklet of ICAF-7 into Spanish. At the end of August the ICAF core team (Eugene, Anamaria and Jasmina) travelled to Barcelona to explore this idea further. After an inspiring and productive week of what the Spanish call a lluvia de ideas (literary ‘rain of ideas’, or brainstorm), the first sketches of a Summer School were drawn… We are thrilled to be working with Eva more closely on organising the next ICAF Summer School in Barcelona.
12 February 2018
Summer School Barcelona 2018!